Expatiate - определение. Что такое Expatiate
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Что (кто) такое Expatiate - определение

·vi To range at large, or without restraint.
II. Expatiate ·vi To enlarge in discourse or writing; to be copious in argument or discussion; to Descant.
III. Expatiate ·vt To Expand; to Spread; to Extend; to Diffuse; to Broaden.
v. n.
Rove at large, range at will, take a wide survey.
Dilate, enlarge, descant, be copious, launch out.
[?k'spe???e?t, ?k-]
¦ verb (expatiate on) speak or write in detail about.
expatiation noun
C16: from L. exspatiari 'move beyond one's usual bounds' (based on spatium 'space').
Примеры произношения для Expatiate
1. Thank you so much for this ability and opportunity to expatiate and if I've stimulated curiosity,
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Примеры употребления для Expatiate
1. Take Iraq: one no longer needs to expatiate on the perfidy of American motives.
2. The local authorities have also sought the help of expatiate and national residents to tip–off the immigration authorities if they come across illegal immigrants.
3. The press it has a trumpet–voice, Which sounds from shore to shore; It tells the world – the mighty world, The treasures of each store: It tells of Hyam‘s warehouse vast, His efforts and success, And does it not expatiate Upon his wondrous dress?‘ In children‘s dress the stock superb, For midsummer excites That feeling on the public mind Which pleases and delights: Splendour and cheapness both combine, With fashion and display, Whilst there you see the greatest choice, This summer holiday!